FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
The Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature has de creased
to the programmed Shutdown Temperature Setpoint. The
chiller will automatically restart when the tem per a ture
increases to the programmed Restart Tem per a ture
The Chilled Liquid Flow Switch has remained open for
2 continuous seconds while the chiller was running or
failed to close during the System Pre-lube period. The
chiller will automatically restart when the ß ow switch
The Condenser water ß ow switch has remained open for
2 continuous seconds while the chiller was run ning. This
check is bypassed for the Þ rst 30 seconds of “Sys tem
Run”. The chiller will automatically restart when the
ß ow switch closes.
The CM-2 Current module (Electromechanical starter
applications) or Solid State Starter Logic Board (Mod
“A” Solid State Starter applications) has shutdown the
chill er. When detecting a fault condition that places the
starter or motor at risk, these devices open the Mo tor
Con trol ler contacts “CM” (located on the re spec tive de-
vice and connected between TB6-16 and TB6-53 in the
OptiView Control Center) to initiate a shutdown. Since
there are several different faults that are mon i tored,
LED’s on the respective device illuminate to iden ti fy
the spe ciÞ c fault that has occurred. Refer to YORK
Manual 160.46-OM3.1 for details of Mod “A” Solid
State Start er initiated shut downs and 160.55-M1 for
CM-2 initiated shut downs. The chiller will au to mat i cal ly
re start when the Motor Controller contacts close. On
some shut downs, the re spec tive device au to mat i cal ly
closes the con tacts when the fault condition clears. Other
shut downs re quire the Operator to perform a Manual
Reset at the respective device.
Device Manual Reset Fault Automatic Re set Fault
CM-2 Module Overload None
Overload Phase Rotation/Loss
Solid State Starter High Temp(>212°F) High Temp start inhibit (>110°F)
Fault Current Trigger Board Out-of-Lock
The Compressor Motor current decreased to 10% Full
Load Amps (FLA) for 25 continuous seconds while the
chiller was running. This could be caused by the starter
de-energizing during run or a defect in the motor cur-
rent feedback circuitry to the OptiView Control Cen ter.
The chill er will automatically restart at the com ple tion
of “System Coastdown”.
The CM-2 Current Module (Electro-mechanical start er
applications) or Solid State Starter Logic Board (Mod
“A”) (Solid State Starter applications) has shutdown the
chill er be cause it detected a fault condition that plac es
the motor at risk. These devices open and close the Mo-
tor con trol ler “CM” contacts (located on the re spec tive
device and connected between TB6-16 and TB6-53 in
the OptiView Control Center) in < 3 sec onds to initiate
the shutdown and produce this mes sage. An LED on
the respective device illuminates to iden ti fy the spe-
ciÞ c fault that has occurred. Refer to YORK Manual
160.46-OM3.1 for de tails of Mod “A” Solid State Start er
ini ti at ed shut downs and 160.55-M1 for CM-2 initiated
shut downs. The chiller will au to mat i cal ly restart when
the contacts close.
Device Shutdown
CM-2 Module Power fault
Solid State Starter Pow er Fault
Half Phase
The programmed Daily Schedule Setpoint has shut down
the chiller. The chiller will automatically re start at the
next scheduled start time.
(Mod “A” Solid State Starter”)
The voltage in any phase of the AC Power Line Volt age
supplying the Solid State Starter has decreased to the low
line voltage threshold for 20 continuous sec onds. The
chiller will automatically restart when the voltage returns
to the restart level. The thresholds are as follows:
Supply Voltage Range (Volts) Shutdown (Volts) Restart (Volts)
380 305 331
400 320 349
415 335 362
440-480 370 400
550-600 460 502
Supply Voltage Range disabled none N/A
OptiView Control Center