FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
This screen allows deÞ nition of the necessary com mu -
ni ca tions parameters for the printer. Refer to PRINT ER
section of this book for details of the Printer con nec tions
and setup.
Time Remaining Until Next Print
Displays the time until the next print log will occur, if
the function is enabled.
Log Start Time
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
Set the time at which scheduled print logs will begin.
Output Interval
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
DeÞ ne the interval at which log printing will occur.
Automatic Printer Logging (Enabled / Disabled)
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Enable the printer to begin printing status re ports be-
gin ning at the programmed start time and re cur ring at
the interval deÞ ned above.
Printer Type
Access Level Required: OP ER A TOR
DeÞ ne the printer type connected to the chiller system.
ACC Auto Map Print (Enabled / Disabled)
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Only available if the chiller system utilizes a Variable
Speed Drive motor controller. The chiller monitors
the ACC communications and when a surge point is
mapped, a short report of system parameters is printed.
When this function is active, all other printing ca pa bil i ty
is disabled.
ACC Map Report
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Only available if the chiller system utilizes a Variable
Speed Drive motor controller. The chiller requests the
entire surge map from the ACC. As the map is re ceived,
the parameters for each point are printed.
Print Report
Access Level Required: OP ER A TOR
Select the report type to print when the Print Report key is
selected. This can vary from Status report (present system
parameters), Setpoints report (present value of the system
setpoints), Schedule report (present value of the system
schedule times) or a Sales Order Data re port (informa-
tion provided on the Sales Order screen). A print report
is generated upon completion of se lec tion.
Print All Histories
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
Generate a report of the system data at the time of all
stored shutdowns.
FIG. 30
OptiView Control Center