Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show mls multicast
show mls multicast
To display IP multicast MLS information, use the show mls multicast command.
show mls multicast
show mls multicast entry {[mod] [vlan vlan_id] [group ip_addr]} [source ip_addr]
[long | short]
show mls multicast entry {[all] [short | long]}
show mls multicast statistics {mod}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines If you enter the show mls multicast commands on Catalyst 6500 series switches without MLS, this
warning message is displayed:
This feature is not supported on this device.
If you enter the show mls multicast entry command with no arguments, all the MLS entries for
multicast are displayed. Each row in the show mls multicast entry command corresponds to a flow.
These guidelines apply to switches configured with the Supervisor 2 with Layer 3 Switching Engine II
• If you enter the show mls multicast entry command and an asterisk appears in the Source IP
column, this indicates that any source is used.
• If you specify source 0, all * (asterisk) entries are displayed.
entry Specifies the IP multicast MLS packet entry.
mod (Optional) Number of the MSFC; valid values are 15 and 16.
vlan vlan_id (Optional) Specifies a VLAN.
group ip_addr (Optional) Specifies a multicast group address.
source ip_addr (Optional) Specifies a multicast traffic source.
all (Optional) Specifies all IP multicast MLS entries on the switch.
long (Optional) Specifies an output appropriate for terminals that support output
80-characters wide.
short (Optional) Specifies an output appropriate for terminals that support output less
than 80-characters wide.
statistics Displays statistics for an MSFC.