Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show port qos
show port qos
To display QoS-related information, use the show port qos command.
show port qos [mod[/port]]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines
Note When a switchover occurs, you cannot view the ACLs and policers deployed using COPS-DS until the
COPS-DS client on the new active supervisor engine establishes connection to the PDP and downloads
the QoS policy. The runtime fields in the output display will be blank until QoS policy is downloaded to
the new active supervisor engine.
Examples This example shows how to display QoS-related information for a specific module and port:
Console> show port qos 2/1
QoS is enabled for the switch.
QoS policy source for the switch set to local.
Port Interface Type Interface Type Policy Source Policy Source
config runtime config runtime
----- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------
2/1 vlan-based vlan-based COPS local
Port TxPort Type RxPort Type Trust Type Trust Type Def CoS Def CoS
config runtime config runtime
----- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- -------
2/1 2q2t 1q4t untrusted untrusted 0
Port ACL name Type
----- -------------------------------- ----
No ACL is mapped to port 2/1.
mod (Optional) Number of the module.
port (Optional) Number of the port on the module.