Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
displaying policy source information 2-1151
displaying related information 2-1136
displaying statistics for aggregate policers 2-1153
displaying status 2-1156
displaying status of DSCP rewrite feature 2-1156
enabling microflow policing
disabling microflow policing
mapping CoS values 2-580
mapping IP precedence-to-DSCP 2-577
returning to factory-set CoS defaults 2-98
returning to factory-set default for all packets arriving
through untrusted port
returning to factory-set default values 2-109
returning to factory-set threshold, queue, and threshold
map defaults
setting CoS values 2-579
setting default for all packets arriving through untrusted
setting packet buffer memory 2-590, 2-598
setting packet value 2-520
setting policy source to COPS-PR 2-586
setting policy source to local NVRAM 2-586
setting port policy source 2-516
setting port policy source to COPS 2-521
setting port policy source to local NVRAM 2-521
setting switch to participate in DSBM election 2-527
setting trusted state 2-523
specifying CoS-to-CoS map 2-569
specifying CoS-to-DSCP map 2-570
specifying interface as port or VLAN 2-516
specifying WRED threshold 2-600
specifying WRR weights 2-602
turning off 2-551
turning on 2-551
turning QoS on 2-551
turning QoS RSVP off 2-588
turning QoS RSVP on 2-588
QoS access lists
attaching to interface
defining IP access lists 2-554
defining IPX access lists 2-559
defining MAC access lists 2-562
attaching ACL to interface
clearing changes to ACL edit buffer 2-237
committing to NVRAM 2-181
defining default action 2-552
defining IP access lists 2-554
defining IPX access lists 2-559
defining MAC access lists 2-562
detaching ACL 2-103
displaying ACL management information 2-1134
displaying ACL names in edit buffer 2-1129
displaying committed access lists 2-845
displaying configuration file location 2-835
displaying configured ACE information 2-1130
displaying default action 2-1130
displaying QoS ACL mapping 2-1132
displaying running configuration 2-1166
displaying runtime ACE information 2-1130
displaying VLAN-bridged packet-policing
overriding classification ACL trust 2-552
removing ACE 2-103
removing default actions 2-103
removing IP ACE default actions 2-103
removing IPX ACE default actions 2-103
removing MAC-layer ACE default actions 2-103
clearing DSCP mutation table maps
clearing mutation mapping 2-113
configuring DSCP mutation maps 2-574
configuring mutation table maps 2-575
displaying mutation maps 2-1144
displaying mutation table maps 2-1144
rewriting packet values 2-576
setting DSCP-to-CoS map 2-573
QoS policing
clearing aggregate rate limit