Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
To upload or download a Flash image or a switch configuration to or from a Flash device, rcp server,
TFTP server, or an SCP server, use the copy command.
copy file-id {tftp | rcp | flash | file-id | config}
copy tftp {flash | file-id | config}
copy rcp {flash | file-id | config}
copy flash {tftp | rcp | file-id | config}
copy config {flash | file-id | tftp | rcp} [all]
copy acl config {flash | file-id | tftp | rcp}
copy cfg1 {tftp | rcp | flash | config | cfg2} [all]
copy cfg2 {tftp | rcp | flash | config | cfg1} [all]
copy ftp {flash | file-id | config}
copy scp destination
copy source scp
copy log-cmd {flash | ftp | rcp | scp | tftp | file-id}
Syntax Description file-id Format used to specify the file on the Flash device, where the format is
m/ = Option that gives access to different modules, such as the standby supervisor
engine or an Ethernet module.
device: = Device where the Flash resides.
filename = Name of the configuration file.
tftp Allows you to copy to or from a TFTP server.
rcp Specifies the file be copied to or from an rcp server.
flash Supports downloading of multiple modules.
config Allows you to copy the configuration to Flash memory, another Flash device, or a file
on a TFTP server.
acl config Copies the ACL configuration manually to a file. See the “Usage Guidelines” section
before using this command.
cfg1 Specifies the first startup configuration file on the supervisor engine.
cfg2 Specifies the second startup configuration file on the supervisor engine.
all (Optional) Specifies that the entire configuration be copied to the specified destination
configuration file.
ftp Allows you to copy to or from an FTP server.
Copies a file by using Secure Copy (SCP) to a specified destination on the system.
source scp Copies a file by using SCP from a specified source on the system.