Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show spantree
Related Commands show spantree backbonefast
show spantree blockedports
show spantree portvlancost
show spantree statistics
show spantree summary
show spantree uplinkfast
Port-State Spanning tree port state (disabled, inactive,
not-connected, blocking, listening, learning,
forwarding, bridging, or type-pvid-inconsistent).
Role Port role in the spanning tree: Root, Designated,
Alternate, Back-up.
Cost Cost associated with the port.
Prio Priority associated with the port.
Portfast Status of whether the port is configured to use the
PortFast feature.
Channel_id Channel ID number.
Table 2-97 show spantree Command Output Fields (continued)
Field Description