Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show system
Core Dump Core File
------------------------ -----------------------
disabled slot0:crashinfo
Crash Info Crash Info File
------------------------ -----------------------
disabled bootflash:crashinfo
System Information Logging Host Interval
-------------------------- ---------------- --------
Disabled - 1440
System Information Log File
Index System Information Logging Commands
----- ---------------------------------------------------------
Syslog Dump Syslog File
------------------------ -----------------------
enabled bootflash:sysloginfo
Table 2-102 describes the fields in the show system command output.
Table 2-102 show system Command Output Fields
Field Description
PS1-Status Status of power supply 1 (ok, fan failed, faulty, or none).
PS2-Status Status of power supply 2 (ok, fan failed, faulty, or none).
Fan-Status Status of the fan (ok, faulty, or other).
Temp-Alarm Status of whether the temperature alarm is off or on.
Sys-Status System status (ok or faulty). Corresponds to system LED status.
Uptime d, h:m:s Amount of time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds, that the
system has been up and running.
Logout Amount of time after which an idle session is disconnected.
PS1-Type Part number of the power supply.
PS2-Type Part number of the redundant power supply, if present.
Modem Status of the modem status (enable or disable).
Baud Baud rate to which the modem is set.
Traffic Current traffic percentage.
Peak Peak percentage of traffic on the backplane.
Peak-Time Time stamp when peak percentage was recorded.
PS1 Capacity Power supply 1 maximum capacity.
PS2 Capacity Power supply 2 maximum capacity.
PS Configuration Power supply configuration.
System Name System name.