Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set cam notification
set cam notification
To enable notification when a MAC address change occurs to the CAM table and to set the time between
notifications, use the set cam notification command.
set cam notification {enable | disable}
set cam notification {added | removed} {enable | disable} {mod/port}
set cam notification historysize log_size
set cam notification interval time
set cam notification move {enable | disable}
set cam notification threshold {enable | disable}
set cam notification threshold limit percentage
set cam notification theshold interval time
Syntax Description
Defaults By default, notification is disabled.
By default, the interval time is set to 1 second.
By default, the history size is set to 1 entry.
Command Types Switch command.
enable Enables notification that a change has occurred.
disable Disables notification that a change has occurred.
added Specifies notification when a MAC address is learned.
removed Specifies notification when a MAC address is deleted.
mod/port Number of the module and the port.
historysize Creates a notification history log.
log_size Number of entries in the notification history log; valid sizes are between 0 and
500 entries.
interval Sets the maximum wait time between notifications.
time Time between notification; valid values are greater than or equal to 0 (specified
in seconds).
move Specifies MAC move notifications.
threshold Sets parameters for CAM usage monitoring
limit Sets CAM usage monitoring percentage.
percentage Percentage of usage monitoring.