Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear qos acl
clear qos acl
To remove various ACL configurations, use the clear qos acl command.
clear qos acl acl_name [editbuffer_index]
clear qos acl default-action {ip | ipx | mac | all}
clear qos acl map {acl_name} {mod/port | vlan} [input]
clear qos acl map {acl_name | mod/port | vlan | all} [input]
clear qos acl map {acl_name} {vlan | all} output
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is no ACLs are attached.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Changes you make by entering this command are saved to NVRAM and hardware only after you enter
the commit command.
Use the show qos acl editbuffer command to display the ACL list.
If you do not specify a direction keyword (input or output), the system automatically specifies input.
acl_name Unique name that identifies the list to which the entry belongs.
editbuffer_index (Optional) ACE position in the ACL.
default-action Removes default actions.
ip Clears IP ACE default actions.
ipx Clears IPX ACE default actions.
mac Clears MAC-layer ACE default actions.
all Clears all ACE default actions.
map Detaches an ACL.
mod/port Number of the module and the port on the module.
vlan Number of the VLAN; valid values are from 1 to 4094.
all Detaches an ACL from all interfaces.
input (Optional) Removes the ACL from the ingress interface. See the “Usage
Guidelines” section for more information.
output Removes the ACL from the egress interface.