Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show inlinepower
show inlinepower
To display status of inline power for all modules, use the show inlinepower command.
show inlinepower
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Examples This example shows how to display the inline power for all modules that are configured for inline power:
Console> show inlinepower
Configured Default Inline Power allocation per port:15.40 Watts ( 0.37 Amps @42V)
Mod Ports Notify-Thld Inline Power (Watts) Usage Status
on deny errdis off (% of Max) Max Thld Admin
--- -- ---- ------ --- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ------------
4 1 0 0 95 99 800.10 792.09 7.07 Ok
6 0 0 0 48 99 378.00 374.22 0.00 Ok
(*) "errdis" ports are static ports with insufficient power
Table 2-37 describes the fields in the show inlinepower output.
Table 2-37 show inlinepower Command Output Fields
Field Description
Mod Module number.
Ports on Number of ports that are operational.
Ports deny Number of ports that are denied power.
Ports errdis Number of ports that are static and that have insufficient power.
Ports off Number of ports that are not operational.
Notify-Thld (% of Max) Percentage of power usage that must be reached before a syslog
notification goes out.
Inline Power Max Maximum wattage that is allocated to the module.
Inline Power Thld Wattage that must be reached before a syslong notification goes out.