Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos policed-dscp-map
set qos policed-dscp-map
To set the mapping of policed in-profile DSCPs, use the set qos policed-dscp-map command.
set qos policed-dscp-map [normal-rate | excess-rate] in_profile_dscp:policed_dscp...
Syntax Description
Defaults The default map is no markdown.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You can enter in_profile_dscp as a single DSCP, multiple DSCPs, or a range of DSCPs (for example, 1
or 1,2,3 or 1-3,7).
The colon between in_profile_dscp and policed_dscp is required.
This command is supported on systems configured with the Supervisor Engine 2 with Layer 3
Switching Engine II (PFC2) only.
If you do not specify a rate, the system automatically specifies the normal rate.
Examples This example shows how to set the mapping of policed in-profile DSCPs:
Console> (enable) set qos policed-dscp-map 33:30
QoS normal-rate policed-dscp-map set successfully.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the mapping of policed in-profile DSCPs for the excess rate:
Console> (enable) set qos policed-dscp-map excess-rate 33:30
QoS excess-rate policed-dscp-map set successfully.
Console> (enable)
Related Commands clear qos policed-dscp-map
show qos maps
show qos policer
normal-rate (Optional) Specifies normal rate policers.
excess-rate (Optional) Specifies excess rate policers.
in_profile_dscp Number of the in-profile DSCP; valid values are from 0 through 63.
:policed_dscp Number of the policed DSCP; valid values are 0 through 63.