Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show snmp
show snmp
To display SNMP information, use the show snmp command.
show snmp [noalias]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal and privileged.
Usage Guidelines If you enter show snmp in privileged mode, the output display includes information for the read-only,
the read-write, and the read-write-all community strings. If you enter show snmp in normal mode, the
display includes only information for the read-only community string.
Examples This example shows SNMP information when you enter the show snmp command in normal mode:
Console> show snmp
RMON: Disabled
Extended RMON Netflow Enabled : None.
Memory usage limit for new RMON entries: 85 percent
Chassis Alias:my chassis
Traps Enabled:
Port Traps Enabled: None
Community-Access Community-String
---------------- --------------------
read-only public
Trap-Rec-Address Trap-Rec-Community
---------------------------------------- -------------------- public
This example shows SNMP information when you enter the show snmp command in privileged mode:
Console> (enable) show snmp
Extended RMON:Extended RMON module is not present
Extended RMON Netflow:Disabled
Extended RMON Vlanmode:Disabled
Extended RMON Vlanagent:Disabled
noalias (Optional) Keyword that forces the display to show IP addresses, not IP aliases.