Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set qos statistics export destination
set qos statistics export destination
To specify the statistics data export destination address, use the set qos statistics export destination
set qos statistics export destination {host_name | host_ip} [port]
set qos statistics export destination {host_name | host_ip} [syslog [{facility severity}]]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is none unless syslog is specified. If syslog is specified, the defaults are as follows:
• port is 514
• facility is local6
• severity is debug
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Valid facility values are kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, lpr, news, uucp, cron, local0, local1, local2,
local3, local4, local5, local6, and local7.
Valid severity levels are emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, and debug.
Examples This example shows how to specify the statistics data export destination address:
Console> (enable) set qos statistics export destination stargate 9996
Statistics data export destination set to stargate port 9996.
Console> (enable)
host_name Host name.
host_ip Host IP address.
port (Optional) UDP port number.
syslog (Optional) Specifies the syslog port.
facility (Optional) Value to specify the type of facility to export; see the “Usage Guidelines”
section for a list of valid values.
severity (Optional) Value to specify the severity level to export; see the “Usage Guidelines”
section for a list of valid values.