Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set system profile
set system profile
To configure a system profile file, use the set system profile command.
set system profile device:filename
set system profile {enable | disable} mod_list
Syntax Description
Defaults The default value for the PROFILE_FILE variable is null.
The system profile feature is enabled on each module.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines A profile file allows you to have a customized configuration as the designated configuration on the
switch. The profile file allows you to load a configuration on the switch either as the default
configuration or as a custom configuration that would enable or disable certain features. With the profile
files, you can eliminate the features or processes that might pose security risks (for example, disabling
CDP or turning off auto-trunking on a port) to your switch.
A profile file that has most of the security risks disabled is also known as a “lockdown” profile. A
lockdown profile changes the functionality of the switch from enabling access to preventing access by
default. When a lockdown profile is applied, you must manually enable the features that were disabled
by the profile file. For a sample lockdown profile, see to the “Working with Configuration Files” chapter
of the Catalyst 6500 Series Software Configuration Guide.
Follow these guidelines when working with profile files:
• A profile file can be either from internal bootflash or from PCMCIA slots but not from a TFTP
• A profile file must be a Catalyst operating system configuration file type that starts with “begin.”
• Keywords that are supported in release 8.4 are ALL_MODULES, ALL_PORTS,
• The ALL_MODULES, ALL_PORTS, and ALL_VLANS keywords can be anywhere in the profile
device:filename Name of the device and the profile filename separated by a colon.
enable Enables profile file loading on a per-module basis.
disable Disables profile file loading on a per-module basis.
mod_list Numbers of the modules on which profile file loading is enabled or diabled;
valid values are from 1 to 9, 15, and 16.