Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show spantree mistp-instance
Table 2-100 describes the fields in the show spantree mistp-instance command output:
Related Commands set spantree portinstancecost
set spantree portinstancepri
Table 2-100 show spantree mistp-instance Command Output Fields
Field Description
Instance Instance for which spanning tree information is shown.
Spanning tree mode Spanning tree mode.
Spanning tree type Spanning tree type.
Spanning tree instance Status of whether spanning tree instance is enabled or disabled.
Designated Root MAC address of the designated spanning tree root bridge.
Designated Root Priority Priority of the designated root bridge.
Designated Root Cost Total path cost to reach the root.
Designated Root Port Port through which the root bridge can be reached (shown only on
nonroot bridges).
VLANs mapped Number of VLANs mapped.
Root Max Age Amount of time a BPDU packet should be considered valid.
Hello Time Number of times the root bridge sends BPDUs.
Forward Delay Amount of time the port spends in listening or learning mode.
Bridge ID MAC ADDR Bridge MAC address.
Bridge ID Priority Part of the bridge identifier and is taken as the most significant part of
the bridge ID comparisons.
Bridge Max Age Bridge maximum age.
Hello Time Amount of time the bridge sends BPDUs.
Forward Delay Amount of time the bridge spends in listening or learning mode.
Port Port number.
Instance Instance to which the port belongs.
Port-State Spanning tree port state (disabled, inactive, not-connected, blocking,
listening, learning, forwarding, bridging, or type-pvid-inconsistent).
Cost Cost associated with the port.
Prio Priority associated with the port.
Portfast Status of whether the port is configured to use the PortFast feature.
Channel_id Channel ID number.