Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set module power
set module power
To turn the power on or off to a module, use the set module power command.
set module power {up | down} mod [pm_option]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is power is on to a module.
The power management bit is set to 0.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines The set module power up command allows you to check if adequate power is available in the system to
turn the power on. If not enough power is available, the module status changes from power-down to
power-deny, and this message is displayed:
Module 4 could not be powered up due to insufficient power.
The pm_option argument allows you to set the power management bit for the module on which disaster
recovery is needed. Setting the power management bit triggers the downloading of the image from
supervisor engine flash memory to the Communication Media Module (CMM) every time the CMM is
reset. For more information about disaster recovery and power management bit values on different
supervisor engines, see the “Disaster Recovery for CMM Software Upgrades” section of the Catalyst
6500 Series and Cisco 7600 Series CMM Installation and Configuration Note. This note is located here:
Examples This example shows how to power up module 4:
Console> (enable) set module power up 4
Module 4 powered up.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to power down module 4:
Console> (enable) set module power down 4
Module 4 powered down.
Console> (enable)
up Turns on the power to a module.
down Turns off the power to a module.
mod Number of the module.
pm_option (Optional) Power management bit; valid values are 0 to 15.