Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set port broadcast
set port broadcast
To set broadcast, multicast, or unicast suppression for one or more ports, use the set port broadcast
command. The threshold limits the backplane traffic received from the module.
set port broadcast mod/port threshold% [violation {drop-packets | errdisable}]
[multicast {enable | disable}] [unicast {enable | disable}]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is 100% (no broadcast limit).
The default action is drop-packets if a broadcast violation occurs.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines This command is not supported by the NAM.
You can enter the threshold value in two ways:
• A decimal number followed by a percent sign (for example 0.33%)
• A whole number followed by a percent sign (for example 33%)
The percent sign (%) is required when entering the threshold value.
The multicast and unicast keywords are supported on Gigabit Ethernet modules only.
If you enter the command without using the multicast or unicast keyword, only broadcast traffic is
suppressed. If you enter the multicast or unicast keyword, both broadcast and the selected traffic type
are suppressed.
Examples This example shows how to limit broadcast traffic to 20 percent:
Console> (enable) set port broadcast 4/3 20%
Port 4/3 broadcast traffic limited to 20.00%.
Console> (enable)
mod/port Number of the module and the port on the module.
threshold% Percentage of total available bandwidth that can be used by traffic; valid values are
decimal numbers from 0.00% to 100% or whole numbers from 0% to 100%.
violation (Optional) Specifies an action when suppression occurs.
drop-packets (Optional) Drops packets when suppression occurs.
errdisable (Optional) Errdisables the port when suppression occurs.
multicast (Optional) Specifies multicast suppression.
enable | disable (Optional) Enables or disables the suppression type.
unicast (Optional) Specifies unicast suppression.