Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set tacacs directedrequest
set tacacs directedrequest
To enable or disable the TACACS+ directed-request option, use the set tacacs directedrequest
command. When enabled, you can direct a request to any of the configured TACACS+ servers and only
the username is sent to the specified server.
set tacacs directedrequest {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is the TACACS+ directed-request option is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines When you enable TACACS+ directed-request, you must specify a configured TACACS+ server after the
@ sign. If the specified host name does not match the IP address of a configured TACACS+ server, the
request is rejected. When TACACS+ directed-request is disabled, the Catalyst 6500 series switch queries
the list of servers beginning with the first server in the list and then sends the entire string, accepting the
first response from the server. This command is useful for sites that have developed their own TACACS+
server software to parse the entire address string and make decisions based on the contents of the string.
Examples This example shows how to enable the tacacs directedrequest option:
Console> (enable) set tacacs directedrequest enable
Tacacs direct request has been enabled.
Console> (enable)
Related Commands show tacacs
enable Sends the portion of the address before the @ sign (the username) to the host specified
after the @ sign.
disable Sends the entire address string to the default TACACS+ server.