
Displaying the Logging Configuration
Use the show logging command to display the current system message logging configuration. Use the no
alias keyword to display the IP addresses instead of the host names of the configured syslog servers.
This output shows how to display the current system message logging configuration:
Catalyst5000> (enable) show logging
Logging buffered size: 500
timestamp option: enabled
Logging history size: 1
Logging console: enabled
Logging server: disabled
server facility: LOCAL7
server severity: warnings(4)
Facility Default Severity Current Session Severity
—————— ———————————————— ————————————————————————
acl 2 2
cdp 4 4
cops 2 2
dtp 5 5
dvlan 2 2
earl 2 2
filesys 2 2
gvrp 2 2
ip 2 2
kernel 2 2
ld 2 2
mcast 2 2
mgmt 5 5
mls 5 5
pagp 5 5
protfilt 2 2
pruning 2 2
privatevlan 2 2
qos 2 2
radius 2 2
rsvp 2 2
security 2 2
snmp 2 2
spantree 2 2
sys 5 5
tac 2 2
tcp 2 2
telnet 2 2
tftp 2 2
udld 4 4
vtp 2 2
0(emergencies) 1(alerts) 2(critical)
3(errors) 4(warnings) 5(notifications)
6(information) 7(debugging)
Catalyst5000> (enable)
Displaying System Logging Messages
You can use the show logging buffer command to display the messages in the switch logging buffer. If you