Disabling GMRP
To disable GMRP globally, use the following command:
Coriolis> (enable) set gmrp disable
GMRP disabled.
Enabling GMRP on Individual Ports
You can enable GMRP on a per−port basis using this command:
Coriolis> (enable) set port gmrp enable 2/1−12
GMRP enabled on ports 2/1−12.
But don’t be fooled—the switch will let you configure GMRP on a per−port basis, but it will not work unless
you enable it globally.
Disabling GMRP on Individual Ports
To disable GMRP on each port, use the following command:
Coriolis> (enable) set port gmrp disable 2/1−12
GMRP disabled on ports 2/1−12.
Enabling GMRP Forward−All
When GMRP forward−all is enabled, a copy of all multicast traffic is forwarded to that port. You may want to
use this feature when a probe or network analyzer is connected to a port. Cisco’s documentation recommends
that you enable forward−all on any port that is connected to a router. Use this command to enable
Coriolis> (enable) set gmrp fwdall enable 2/1
GMRP Forward All groups option enabled on port 2/1.
Disabling GMRP Forward−All
To disable GMRP forward−all on a port, use the following command:
Coriolis> (enable) set gmrp fwdall disable 2/1
GMRP Forward All groups option disabled on port 2/1.
Configuring GMRP Registration
GMRP registration has three modes:
Normal mode—Allows dynamic GMRP multicast registration and de−registration on the port.•
Fixed mode—Registers all multicast group on all ports to this single port and ignores any subsequent
registration and de−registration on other ports. To de−register any multicast group, you must first
return the port to Normal mode.
Forbidden mode—Un−registers all GMRP multicasts and will not accept any GMRP multicast
registration on that port.
To configure Normal mode, use the following command:
Coriolis> (enable) set gmrp registration normal 2/1
GMRP Registration is set normal on port 2/1.