
Disabling PortFast on a CLI−Based IOS Switch
To disable PortFast on a Cisco IOS command−based switch, use this Interface Configuration mode command:
no spantree start−forwarding
Verifying the PortFast Configuration
To verify the PortFast configuration on a Set/Clear command−based switch, enter the following Privileged
mode command:
show spantree <module/port>
To verify module 3 and port 8, do the following:
show spantree 3/8
Enabling UplinkFast on a Set/Clear Command−Based Switch
To enable UplinkFast on a Set/Clear command−based switch, use the following Privileged mode command:
catalyst5000> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast ?
disable Disable spanning tree uplink fast
enable Enable spanning tree uplink fast
catalyst5000> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast enable ?
all−protocols Enable uplink fast for all protocols
rate Specify uplink fast rate
catalyst5000> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast enable all−protocols ?
off All protocols off
on All protocols on
catalyst5000> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast enable all−protocols on
VLANs 1−1005 bridge priority set to 49152.
The port cost and portvlancost of all ports set to above 3000.
Station update rate set to 15 packets/100ms.
uplinkfast update packets enabled for all protocols.
uplinkfast enabled for bridge.
Tip The set spantree uplinkfast command has other options, such as adding a station update rate or
adding the on or off syntax for all protocols. The station update rate value is the number of
multicast packets transmitted per 100 milliseconds (by default, it is set to 15 packets per
millisecond). For more information on how to execute a change in the station update rate, use the
Help command on the console.
Disabling UplinkFast on a Set/Clear Command−Based Switch
To disable UplinkFast on a Set/Clear command−based switch, use the following Privileged mode command:
catalyst5000> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast disable
uplinkfast disabled for bridge.
Use clear spantree uplinkfast to return stp parameters to default.