
[P] Port Configuration
[A] Port Addressing
[D] Port Statistics Detail
[M] Monitor
[V] Virtual LAN
[R] Multicast Registration
[F] Firmware
[I] RS−232 Interface
[U] Usage Summaries
[H] Help
[K] Command Line
[X] Exit Management Console
Enter Selection:
The following sections describe the Main Menu options. By typing the letter associated with each command
on the Main Menu, you enter that configuration screen.
[C] Console Settings
The following shows the Console Settings menu on the Cisco Catalyst 1900 series:
Catalyst 1900 − Console Settings
[P] Password intrusion threshold 3 attempt(s)
[S] Silent time upon intrusion detection None
[T] Management Console inactivity timeout None
[D] Default mode of status LED Port Status
[M] Modify password
[E] Modify secret password
[X] Exit to Main Menu
Enter Selection:
Here is what you’ll see when you select the following settings:
[P] Password intrusion threshold—This will limit the number of failed logon attempts and render the
Management Console frozen for a predefined amount of time before allowing the next logon. This
value may range from 0 to 65500 attempts. If you choose not to use a threshold, you should specify
[S] Silent time upon intrusion detection—This is the number of minutes the Management Console
will be unavailable for use, due to an excessive number of failed attempts to log on. This value may
range from 0 to 65500 minutes. Specify zero only for no silent time.
[T] Management Console inactivity timeout—This can be configured to time out a session after a
period of inactivity. Once a session has been timed out, the user must log on with a password to
continue. The timeout can range from 30 to 65500 seconds. Setting the timeout to zero will indicate to
use no timeout.
Tip A non−zero timeout should be set for security reasons.
[D] Default mode of status LED—This displays one of three status LEDs: port status, duplex status,
and utilization of the switch. You can select the display mode by pressing the mode button on the
front panel. Once a mode is selected and the mode button is released, the display automatically returns
to the default status after 30 seconds.
[M] Modify password—The Management Console password can help prevent unauthorized access.
When specifying a password, use a minimum of four characters and a maximum of eight characters.