
We now want to bind the IP address of our SNMP management station to the trap community string.
To do this, enter the new community string, and select [1]. Then select [A] to enter the IP address.
The following will appear on your screen:
Enter Trap Manager community string (32 characters max):
Current setting ===>
New setting ===> Techtraps
Catalyst 1900 − Network Management (SNMP) TRAP Configuration
——————————————————————— Settings ——————————————————
[1] First TRAP community string Techtraps
[A] First TRAP manager name or IP address
[2] Second TRAP community string
[B] Second TRAP manager name or IP address
[3] Third TRAP community string
[C] Third TRAP manager name or IP address
[4] Fourth TRAP community string
[D] Fourth TRAP manager name or IP address
[U] Authentication trap generation Enabled
[L] LinkUp/LinkDown trap generation Enabled
[X] Exit to previous menu
Enter Selection: A
SNMP Trap Manager is the management station to which the switch will
send any SNMP traps (alerts). The types of traps the switch can send
are authentication traps, linkUp/linkDown traps, among others. From the
Management Console, up to 4 Trap management stations can be defined.
If no trap managers are defined, the switch will not send any traps.
Enter First Trap Manager server name or IP address:
Current setting ===>
New setting ===>
Notice that that IP address is the previously configured SNMP management station. Once this has
been completed, you have successfully enabled SNMP on a Catalyst 1900 switch.
Related solution: Found on page:
Enabling SNMP Contact 58
Configuring Port Monitoring on the Standard Edition IOS
To configure port monitoring, start from the Main Menu and do the following:
Select option [M] to begin to configure port monitoring.1.
To capture information you will need to add ports to monitor. In the following example, we will select
all ports and enable capturing:
Catalyst 1900 − Monitoring Configuration
——————————— Settings ——————————————————————————————————
[C] Capturing frames to the Monitor Disabled
[M] Monitor port assignment None
Current capture list: No ports in list