
The password is case−insensitive and can contain any character with a legal keyboard representation.
[E] Modify secret password—The Management Console secret password can help prevent
unauthorized access. This password is stored in encrypted form and thus provides enhanced security.
When specifying a secret password, use a minimum of 1 character and maximum of 25 characters.
The password is case−sensitive and can contain any character with a legal keyboard representation.
This password will supersede the regular password.
[X] Exit to Main Menu—This option returns you to the Main Menu.
[S] System Menu
You begin configuring the basic system settings by choosing S from the Main Menu. When you do, you’ll see
a menu similar to the following:
Catalyst 1900 − System Configuration
System Revision: 5 Address Capacity: 2048
System Last Reset: Wed Sept 21 05:24:30 2000
[N] Name of system Coriolis Editings 2820
[C] Contact Name Joe Snow (888)555−9700
[L] Location Editor staff closet
[S] Switching Mode FragmentFree
[U] Use of store−and−forward for multicast Enabled
[A] Action upon address violation Disable
[G] General alert on address violation Disabled
[I] Address aging time 10 second(s)
[P] Network Port None
[R] Reset system [F] Reset to factory defaults
——————————————————Related Menus——————————————————
[B] Broadcast storm control [X] Exit to Main Menu
Let’s look at each of the System Configuration commands. They are listed here with brief explanations:
[N] Name of system—In multiple−switch environments, this option aids in determining which switch
you are currently configuring. You can use up to 255 characters in the switch name, including spaces.
[C] Contact Name—This option defines a contact name in case there are problems with the switch.
This field can also contain up to 255 characters. Including a pager number or home contact
information as part of the contact name can be helpful.
[L] Location—This field can contain up to 255 characters. It provides additional information about
where the switch physically resides.
[S] Switching Mode—This option allows the switch to be configured for all three switching modes.
The three configuration choices are: [1] Store−and− Forward, [2] FragmentFree, and [3] FastForward.
[U] Use of store−and−forward for multicast—The switch will always use store−and−forward for
broadcasts. This feature allows you to determine which method will be used for multicast frames. You
can select from two options: [E] (enabled) allows the switch to use store−and forward for multicast
frames, and [D] (disabled; the default) uses the method defined in the Switching Mode option from
the System Configuration menu.
[A] Action upon address violation—This option gives you three ways to inform the switch what to do
when an address violation occurs. The option [S] (suspend) stops the port from forwarding frames of
the violation. The option [D] (disable) turns off the port until an administrator disables it. The [I]
(ignore) option indicates that no action will be taken.
[G] General alert on address violation—This option indicates whether Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) trap messages are sent when an address violation occurs.
[I] Address aging time—This option defines the number of seconds that dynamic entries will remain
in the Media Access Control (MAC) address table. The valid settings are 10 to 1,000,000 seconds.
The default is 300 seconds.
[P] Network Port—This option specifies the port to which all unknown unicasts are forwarded. You
can specify a port in the range of port numbers on the switch: A indicates port 25, B indicates port 26,
AUI indicates the AUI port, and N indicates None.