
The following list explains the options available from the RS−232 Interface Configuration menu:
[B] Baud rate—Lets you enter the baud rate. The possible settings are 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, or
57600 for the console port. The default baud rate is 9600.
[D] Data bits—Allows the configuration of data bits for the console port. The possible options are 7
and 8. The default is 8.
[S] Stop bits—Allows the configuration of the stop bit value for the console port. The default is 1.
[P] Parity setting—Changes the parity settings for the console port. The default is None.
[M] Match remote baud rate (auto baud)—Allows you to enable or disable the console port from
automatically matching the baud rate of an incoming call. The switch only matches a baud rate that is
lower than its configured baud rate.
[A] Auto answer—Allows you to enable the switch to automatically answer incoming calls or disable
it from doing so.
[N] Number for dial−out connection—Lets you enter the phone number the switch is configured to
use when dialing out. This number is dialed when the switch is configured to communicate with a
remote terminal upon power−up or power recycling.
[T] Time delay between dial attempts—Configures the number of seconds between dial−out attempts.
Zero (0) disables all retries. The default is 300 seconds.
[I] Initialization string for modem—Allows you to change the initialization string to match your
modem requirements.
[C] Cancel and restore previous group settings—Allows you to undo any new values entered for the
baud rate, data bits, stop bits, and parity settings.
[G] Activate group settings—Allows you to activate the settings you have entered for baud rate, data
bits, stops bits, and parity.
[X] Exit to Main Menu—Returns you to the Main Menu.
[U] Usage Summaries
The Usage Summaries menu allows you to receive usage and summary reports. You can receive five types of
reports based on the options shown here:
Catalyst 1900 − Usage Summaries
[P] Port Status Report
[A] Port Addressing Report
[E] Exception Statistics Report
[U] Utilization Statistics Report
[B] Bandwidth Usage Report
[X] Exit to Main Menu
Enter Selection:
The following list explains the options from the Usage Summaries menu:
[P] Port Status Report—This option displays the Port Status Report, which displays the current
connection status of ports. A sample of this report is as follows:
Catalyst 1900 − Port 3 Statistics Report
Receive Statistics Transmit Statistics
———————————————————————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————
Total good frames 9342 Total frames 90269
Total octets 983976 Total octets 6147813
Broadcast/multicast frames 834 Broadcast/multicast frames 81389
Broadcast/multicast octets 133139 Broadcast/multicast octets 5492328
Good frames forwarded 9342 Deferrals 1
Frames filtered 0 Single collisions 0
Runt frames 0 Multiple collisions 0
No buffer discards 0 Excessive collisions 0
Queue full discards 0