
Jeff Duntemann VP and Editorial Director
This book is dedicated to all those who endeavor to turn dreams into realities.
—Sean Odom
To my wife, Sonia, and my daughter, Sabrina.
—Hanson Nottingham
About the Authors
Sean Odom is a CCNP, MCSE, and CNX−Ethernet. He has been in the computer networking field for over
12 years and can be found instructing a number of Cisco courses, including the Switching and Remote Access
courses for Globalnet Training Solutions, Inc. (http://www.globalnettraining.com/). Sean is a former
president and currently on the board of the Sacramento Placer County Cisco Users Group (SPCCUG). In
addition, Sean has been a consultant for many companies including Advanced Computer Systems, American
Licorice, CH2M Hill, The Money Store, NCR, Wells Fargo Bank, and Intel. Sean has authored and
co−authored many industry books, labs, and white papers. You can reach Sean by email at
(sodom@rcsis.com) or see his Web site at http://www.thequestforcertification.com/.
Hanson Nottingham is a CCNA, MCSE, and MCP+I. He is an experienced Windows NT Systems Engineer
with over eight years experience in the Information Systems industry. Hanson is currently working as a
systems manager on the E:Services NT Team at Hewlett−Packard Company. Prior to HP, Hanson helped
manage Vision Service Plan’s Web farm as an Internet systems engineer. He specializes in Web farm
management and integration, SOHO network designs, and e−commerce solutions. Hanson is currently
working to further his Cisco Certified Networking Professional certification.
It’s always exciting when you get to the acknowledgments because that means the book is almost done. First
off, I must thank Erin for putting up with me during the writing of this book. She is a wonderful person who is
as smart as she is good looking and puts up with a lot of extra responsibility while I am working on books. I
also need to thank Albert Ip and Hanson Nottingham for their defined knowledge of the Cisco switches.
Thanks to my favorite English teacher, Mr. Strange, for being the one who originally thought I would be a
great writer some day, and I guess it shows here in my third book. Coriolis deserves many thanks. A few
people in particular at Coriolis need to be thanked: Steve Sayre, for believing in my idea of a Cisco Switching
Black Book; my project editor for the second time, Toni Zuccarini Ackley; Tiffany Taylor for finding all my
mistakes; Charlotte Carpentier and Shari Jo Hehr for handling the many contract issues for this book; Jody
Winkler for making the cover; Carla Schuder for making the inside of the book look good; and Paul LoPresto
for all his help in acquisitions.
Sean Odom
Sean, thank you for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to become a co−author on this book—I
appreciate all your help, assistance, and encouragement! To my wonderful wife, Sonia, and my beautiful
daughter, Sabrina, thank you for giving me the time—dealing with my complicated and difficult schedules I
know has not been easy and your support does not go unnoticed! To Toni and the rest of the Coriolis team,
thank you for this opportunity and your undying patience throughout my process development learning
curve—I owe you guys mochas!
Hanson Nottingham