Protocols Configured: Address: Received: Transmitted:
IP 95563219847 81294682
Virtual LAN ID: 2 (Inter Switch Link Encapsulation)
vLAN Trunk Interface: FastEthernet1/0.2
Protocols Configured: Address: Received: Transmitted:
IP 855147 854281
Viewing the VLAN Configuration on a CLI−Based IOS
To view the VLAN configuration on a CLI−based IOS switch, use the show vlan command. Let’s look at the
command, its optional syntax, and an example of its output:
1912EN#show vlan ?
<1−1005> ISL VLAN index
1912EN#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
1 default Enabled 6−12, AUI, A, B
2 Engineers Enabled 1−3
3 Admins Enabled 4−5
1002 fddi−default Suspended
1003 token−ring−defau Suspended
1004 fddinet−default Suspended
1005 trnet−default Suspended
VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp Trans1 Trans2
1 Ethernet 100001 1500 0 0 0 Unkn 1002 1003
2 Ethernet 100002 1500 0 0 0 Unkn 1002 1003
3 Ethernet 100003 1500 0 0 0 Unkn 1002 1003
10 Ethernet 100010 1500 0 0 0 Unkn 1002 1003
1002 FDDI 101002 1500 0 0 0 Unkn 1 1003
1003 Token−Ring 101003 1500 1005 1 0 Unkn 1 1002
1004 FDDI−Net 101004 1500 0 0 1 IEEE 0 0
1005 Token−Ring−Net 101005 1500 0 0 1 IEEE 0 0
Viewing the Spanning Tree Configuration on a Set/Clear
Command−Based IOS
The show spantree command on the Set/Clear command−based IOS can be used to obtain configuration
information and statistics on STP. You can use the command to view by VLAN number, module number, and
module. You can also specify to see only active interfaces. Let’s take a look at the command, its optional
syntaxes, and an example of its output:
show spantree [VLAN|module number/port][active]