A hardware device that connects multiple independent nodes. Also known as a concentrator or
multiport repeater.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
A protocol used by Web browsers to transfer pages and files from a remote node to your computer.
See Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IEEE 802.1
Standard that defines the OSI model’s Physical and Data Link layers. This standard allows two IEEE
LAN stations to communicate over a LAN or WAN and is often referred to as the internetworking
standard. It also includes the Spanning−Tree Algorithm specifications.
IEEE 802.2
Standard that defines the Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer for the entire series of protocols
covered by the 802.x standards. This standard specifies the adding of header fields, which tell the
receiving host which upper layer sent the information. It also defines specifications for the
implementation of the LLC sublayer of the Data Link layer.
IEEE 802.3
Standard that specifies Physical−layer attributes such as signaling types, data rates, and topologies −
and the media−access method used. It also defines specifications for the implementation of the
Physical layer and the MAC sublayer of the Data Link layer, using CSMA/CD. This standard also
includes the original specifications for Fast Ethernet.
IEEE 802.4
Standard that defines how production machines should communicate and establishes a common
protocol for use in connecting these machines. It also defines specifications for the implementation of
the Physical layer and the MAC sublayer of the Data Link layer using Token Ring access over a bus
IEEE 802.5
Standard often used to define Token Ring. However, it does not specify a particular topology or
transmission medium. It provides specifications for the implementation of the Physical layer and the
MAC sublayer of the Data Link layer using a token−passing media−access method over a ring
IEEE 802.6
Standard that defines the Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) technology to transfer high−speed
data between nodes. It provides specifications for the implementation of metropolitan area networks
IEEE 802.7
Standard that defines the design, installation, and testing of broadband−based communications and
related physical media connectivity.
IEEE 802.8
Standard that defines a group of people who advise the other 802−standard committees on various
fiber−optic technologies and standards. This advisory group is called the Fiber Optic Technical
Advisory Group.
IEEE 802.9
Standard that defines the integration of voice and data transmissions using isochronous Ethernet
IEEE 802.10
Another Cisco proprietary protocol, used primarily to transport VLAN information over FDDI. You
will find this protocol primarily used in FDDI backbones to transport VLAN information and data.
IEEE 802.11
Standard that defines the implementation of wireless technologies, such as infrared and
spread−spectrum radio.
IEEE 802.12
Standard that defines 100BaseVG/AnyLAN, which uses a 1000Mbps signaling rate and a special
media−access method allowing 100Mbps data traffic over voice−grade cable.
IEEE 802.1Q