Configuring a Menu−Driven IOS
The Catalyst 3000 series has a menu−driven switch interface, which allows you to use the arrow keys on your
keyboard to select the different options used to configure the switch. As with the other two types of interfaces,
you need to connect the switch to a dumb terminal or PC. This switch, however, supports a process known as
autobaud, which allows you to press the Enter key several times to get the switch’s attention. The switch will
then automatically configure the console port to the correct baud rate. Here’s how to do it:
The first screen you come to shows the MAC address assigned to the switch and the system contact,
and asks you to type in the password. If this is the initial configuration, press the Enter key to
continue. This will bring you to the Main menu, shown in Figure 2.3. No password is configured
when the switch has just been loaded with a new IOS or straight out of the box.
Figure 2.3: : The main menu of the menu−driven IOS.
Because you are going to configure the switch, choose the Configuration option. You are presented
with two options. You can choose either Serial Link Configuration to configure the console port, or
Telnet Configuration to configure Telnet.
When you enter the Configuration menu, you will notice that you are given the option to configure
your switch for options that are not available without certain add−on or module cards for your switch.
This is more evident if you have the Enhanced Feature Set, which is now the standard for the Cisco
3000 series. Without the Enhanced Feature Set, you will not have VLAN and EtherChannel menu
options. In this example you’ll be configuring a Cisco 3000 series switch with the Enhanced Feature
Set, as depicted in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4: The Configuration menu of the menu−driven IOS.
Tip If you make a mistake in your configuration, you can use Ctrl+P to exit the switch
without saving changes. Use the Exit Console or Return To Previous Menu option to
save your changes and exit the switch configuration mode.
You have the option of choosing a time−out value for the console session. If you would like to disable
time−outs, enter a zero. Otherwise, enter a time in minutes from 1 to 1,440.