
operator—This syntax element compares source or destination ports. Possible syntaxes include lt
(less than), gt (greater than), eq (equal), neq (not equal), and range (inclusive range).
log—This syntax enables logging of information about packets that match access list entries.
Warning The log command is optional and logs information about all packets that match the access list entry.
Enabling this feature uses considerable processing power. You should use it for troubleshooting
purposes only.
Let’s take a look at the any parameter:
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 199 permit tcp gt 255
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 199 permit tcp any any gt 255
The first line permits any incoming IP address to any destination using any TCP port greater than port 255.
The second line does the same thing, but replaces the source, destination, and wildcard addresses with the any
Now, let’s examine how well−known TCP ports can work:
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 199 permit tcp any any eq 25
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 199 permit tcp any any eq smtp
The first line indicates that access list 199 permits any address to enter the interface for TCP port 25, which is
the well−known TCP port for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The second line does the same thing,
but instead of using the TCP port number, it uses the acronym.
The host syntax indicates a single host, as shown in the source address in this example:
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 199 permit tcp host any eq smtp
The following example permits User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets with a DNS name as the destination:
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 199 permit udp any eq domain any
You can add a message in your access list by using the remark command. This command can help you
identify lines in your access list. The following is an example of using the remark command:
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 1 remark Sabrina’s IP Address
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 1 permit
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 1 remark Hanson’s IP Address
CAT5KRSM(config)# access−list 1 deny
To remove a remark, use a command like the following:
CAT5KRSM(config)# no access−list 5 remark Sean’s IP address
Applying Access Lists
Access lists are created in various ways. Once they’re created, you can use different commands to apply an
access list to various types of interfaces.
Tip To disallow the flow of data through any port or interface, use the in syntax. To allow data to flow
through the switch but not exit out a certain interface or port, use the out syntax on the outbound
The following list shows the different commands and the types of interfaces associated with each command: