
Displaying IGMP Statistics
To display IGMP statistics for all VLANs, use the show igmp multicast statistics command as shown here:
Coriolis> (enable) show igmp statistics
IGMP enabled
IGMP fastleave disabled
IGMP statistics for vlan1:
Total valid pkts rcvd: 17564
Total invalid pkts recvd 0
General Queries recvd 235
Group Specific Queries recvd 0
MAC−Based General Queries recvd 0
Leaves recvd 4
Reports recvd 14584
Other Pkts recvd 0
Queries Xmitted 0
GS Queries Xmitted 18
Reports Xmitted 0
Leaves Xmitted 0
Failures to add GDA to EARL 0
Topology Notifications rcvd 6
This is a good way to verify that IGMP is set up correctly. If you have more than one VLAN on the switch
and want to display only the specific VLAN, use the command show igmp multicast statistics [vlan].
Displaying Multicast Routers Learned from IGMP
To display multicast router ports that were learned from IGMP, use the following command:
Coriolis> (enable) show multicast router igmp
CGMP disable
IGMP enable
Port Vlan
———— ————————
3/1 1
Total Number of Entries = 1
‘*’ − Configured
Displaying IGMP Multicast Groups
To display the total number of multicast groups, use the following command:
Coriolis> (enable) show multicast group count [vlan]
CGMP disable
IGMP enable
Total Number of Entries = 2
If you only want to display the number of multicast groups that were learned from IGMP, use the following
Coriolis> (enable) show multicast group count igmp [vlan]
CGMP disable
IGMP enable