
Appendix A: Study Resources
McDysan, David E. and Darren L. Spohn, ATM Theory and Application, McGraw−Hill: New York, 1998.
ISBN: 0−07045−346−2. This book is a great resource on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and LAN
Emulation (LANE).
Odom, Sean and Douglas Hammond, CCNP Switching Exam Prep, The Coriolis Group: Scottsdale, AZ,
2000. ISBN: 1−57610−689−6. This book covers the curriculum for the Cisco Switching Exam number
Cisco Group Study and Users Groups
Some of the best resources for Cisco information are Cisco users groups and group study Web sites. Most
major cities have one or both. Joining a group is a great way to keep up on technical information and gain a
network of friends off of whom you can bounce troubleshooting questions. The following are some of the best
Cisco user groups we’ve found:
Atlanta Cisco Certification Study Group (ACCSG), Georgiahttp://www.brainslap.com/
Capital District Cisco Users Group, Albany, New Yorkhttp://www.cdcug.org/
Cisco Users Group for Central Iowahttp://cisco.knis.com/
Dallas/Ft.Worth Cisco Users Group, Texashttp://dfw.cisco−users.org/
Denver Cisco Users Group, Coloradowww.twpm.com/dcug/
Kansas City Cisco Users Group, Kansaswww.cugkansas.com/home.cfm
New England Cisco Systems Users Grouphttp://www.ciscousers.com/
Northern California Cisco Users Group, Sacramento,
Omaha Cisco User Group, Nebraskahttp://www.teklnk.com/
Sacramento Placer County Cisco Users Group, Californiahttp://www.cisco−cert.org/
Southern California Cisco Users Grouphttp://www.sccug.org/
Live Cisco Training/Internet−Based Labs/Study Resources
The Quest for Certification—Author Sean Odom’s Web site—Meet Joe Snow and get valuable
updates to this book—http://www.thequestforcertification.com/
ExamCram.com—The latest certification information and study
e−Business Process Solutions—Cisco Internet Training/VAR—http://www.e−bps.com/
VLABS−MentorLabs.Com—Online Cisco labs and equipment—http://www.mentorlabs.com/
CCNP Study—CCNP information, interviews, and book reviews—http://www.ccnp−study.com/