read−write Administrators
read−write−all Root
Trap−Rec−Address Trap−Rec−Community
———————————————————————————— ———————————————————— read−write read−write−all
Console> (enable)
To verify that RMON is running, use the following command in EXEC mode:3.
show rmon
Using Set/Clear Command Set Recall Key Sequences
The CLI of a Set/Clear interface is based on Unix, so certain c−shell commands can be issued to recall
commands previously issued. The switch by default stores the previous 20 commands in its buffer. Unlike the
Cisco IOS routers or switches, the up arrows do not work. You can, however, use the key sequences shown in
Table 2.10 to recall or modify commands:
Table 2.10 : Command recall key sequences.
Command Action
!! Repeats the last command
!−nn Repeats the nnth number of commands
!n Repeats command n in the list
!zzz Repeats the command that starts with the zzz string
!?zzz Repeats the command containing the zzz string
^yyy^zzz Replaces the string yyy with zzz in the previous command
!!zzz Adds the string zzz to the previous command
!n zzz Adds the string zzz to command n
!yyy zzz Adds the string zzz to the end of the command that begins
with yyy
!?yyy zzz Adds the string zzz to the end of the command containing
Using IOS−Based Command Editing Keys and Functions
In the Cisco IOS, certain keys allow you to edit or change the configuration. The keys and their functions are
listed in Table 2.11.
Table 2.11: Cisco IOS basic command editing keys and functions.
Key Function
Tab Completes a partial command name
Delete Erases the character to the left of the cursor
Return Performs a command
Space Scrolls down a page
Left arrow Moves a character to the left
Right arrow Moves a character to the right