Displaying a Summary of All Modules
The command dspcds will display the summary information of all the modules. This is a level 6 command.
The card number, card status, card type, switch name, date, time, time zone, and IP address are all displayed.
The information is displayed one screen at a time. Press the Enter key to display a second screen, and press Q
to stop the display.
Displaying Detailed Information for the Current Card
The command dspcd will display detailed information for the current card. The information displayed
includes the slot number, active state, type, serial number, hardware revision, firmware revision, line module
type, line module state, and fabrication number. The privilege level for this command is 6.
Note To switch between cards, use the command cc followed by the card number.
Changing the Time and Date
In the MGX series, changing the time and date requires two different commands. Both commands have a
privilege level of 0, equivalent to the superuser and service account. The time and date are not distributed out
to the network.
To change the switch’s time, use cnftime. The format must use a 24−hour clock:
MGX2.1.3.ASC.a > cnftime
cnftime "hh:mm:ss"
Time = hh:mm:ss
MGX2.1.3.ASC.a > cnftime 15:23:00
To change the date on the switch, use the command cnfdate followed by the date in month−first format:
MGX2.1.3.ASC.a > cnfdate
cnfdate "mm/dd/yyyy"
Date = mm/dd/yyyy
MGX2.1.3.ASC.a > cnfdate 09/24/2000
Displaying the Configuration of the Maintenance and Control Ports
The command xdsplns with the parameter −rs232 displays the port, type, status, and baud rate for both the
maintenance port and the control port.
To display the information on a specific port, use the command xdspln. One of the following parameters must
be used with this command:
−rs232—Information on the control or maintenance port•
−ds3—Information on the Broadband Network Module (BNM) DS3 line characteristics•
−plcp—Information on the BNM Physical layer convergence procedure line characteristics•
−srmds3—Information on the Single Route Explorer (SRE) DS3 line characteristics•
The parameter is followed by a number identifying the control port (1) or maintenance port (2). Both the
xdsplns and xdspln commands have a privilege level of 6.
Displaying the IP Address
The command dspifip displays the IP address, interface, netmask, and broadcast address. It will only display
the interface that is configured. This command has a privilege level of 6.