1912EN#show mac
Number of permanent addresses : 5
Number of restricted static addresses : 0
Number of dynamic addresses : 1
Address Dest Interface Type Source Interface List
0030.194C.80A6 Ethernet 0/1 Permanent All
0000.0C00.4BD0 Ethernet 0/1 Permanent All
00A0.2457.2877 Ethernet 0/1 Permanent All
0000.0C33.4283 Ethernet 0/5 Permanent All
0000.0C33.4283 Ethernet 0/10 Permanent All
0000.0C33.4286 Ethernet 0/10 Permanent All
0010.A4EF.92FB Ethernet 0/6 Dynamic All
Viewing the CDP Neighbors on a Set/Clear Command−Based
The show cdp neighbors command is used to obtain details of the neighboring Cisco devices. Let’s take a
look at the optional syntaxes and an example of the output using the command:
show cdp neighbors [module number[/port number][detail]
Catalyst5002(enable) show cdp neighbor detail
Device−ID: Coriolis2514.coriolis.com
Device Addresses:
IP Address:
Holdtime: 150 sec
Capabilities: ROUTER
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500−IO−L), Version 12.0(5), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986−1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Platform: cisco 2500
Port−ID: FastEthernet0
Port: 2/1
Device−ID: 1900EN.coriolis.com
Device Addresses:
IP Address:
Holdtime: 132 sec
Capabilities: SWITCH
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
Cisco Catalyst 1900/2820 Enterprise Edition Software
Version V8.01.02
Copyright (c) Cisco Systems, Inc. 1993−1998
Platform: cisco 1900/2820
Port−ID: FastEthernet0
Port: 2/2
Viewing the CDP Neighbors on a CLI−Based IOS
The show cdp neighbors command is used to obtain details of the neighboring Cisco devices on a CLI−based
IOS. Let’s take a look at the command and an example of its output: