
Operation, cont’d
SGS 408 Switcher • Operation3-16
Using the Black button
Each set of inputs (program or preview set) includes a Black button. Pressing the
Black button displays a black screen instead of an image (figure 3-30). The input
button which is currently selected will flash. The black screen can be cut or
transitioned to another image, in the same way as any other image. Pressing the
Black button a second time will deactivate the black screen and restore the
current input. A black image cannot be frozen.
Figure 3-30 — LCD after black button has been pressed
Applying a cut
A cut seamlessly replaces the program image with the preview image. No effect
is applied to the switch. As soon as the Cut button is pressed, the switch occurs.
To switch using a cut, do the following:
1. Press the preview input button that corresponds to the input that you want
to switch to.
2. Press the Cut button. The seamless switch takes effect immediately, and the
preview image becomes the current program image. The previous program
image will now become the current preview image.
Applying other effects
When an ECP 1000 is connected, all effect buttons except the Cut button are
disabled. All effect switching must be done through the ECP 1000.
Available effects
An effect determines what is seen when the switch is made. A transition
determines how the effect occurs: the direction in which the effect moves and the
duration during which the effect takes place.
The SGS 408 provides a wide variety of effects:
•A dissolve causes the program image to fade out while the preview image
fades in (figure 3-31).
Figure 3-31 — A dissolve effect
Black Title
4 XXX.XX KHz XX.XX Hz Window
1280 X 1024 @ 60 Hz
True(DVI) only 3.4 Seconds
Menu Center Size Filter Level