3-19SGS 408 Switcher • Operation
ECP key causes any portion of the preview image which is over half
intensity (.35V) to be displayed with the program image. As an example,
by creating a preview image which is composed of white text on a black
background, the white text will be the only portion of the image which will
be keyed to the program image (figure 3-37).
Figure 3-37 — ECP key title effect
Setting up a new effect
When an ECP 1000 is connected, all effect buttons except the Cut button are
disabled. All effect switching must be done through the ECP 1000.
You can set up four effects in advance. To set up an effect, do the following:
1. Press the Effects button (1 - 4) that you want to program. The button lights
and remains lit until another effect button is pressed.
2. To select an effect, turn the right adjustment knob until the desired effect
name appears. The following effects menus are:
• Dissolve (figure 3-38)
• S wipe (soft standard wipe, figure 3-39)
• H wipe (hard standard wipe, figure 3-40)
• S curtains (soft curtains wipe, figure 3-41)
• H curtains (hard curtains wipe, figure 3-42)
• Plus wipe (figure 3-43)
• Square wipe (figure 3-44)
• Title (figure 3-45)
Regional Sales
Regional Sales
Preview Program
During Key Effect