9. Scanning
NewSoft Technical Support 9
Company name: NewSoft America Inc.
Postal Address: 4030 Clipper Court Fremont, CA 94538, U.S.A.
Telephone: 510 445-8616
Fax: 510 445-8601
E-mail Address: contactus@newsoftinc.com
URL: http://www.newsoftinc.com
For Canada
E-mail Address: contactus@newsoftinc.com (English)
Company name: SoftBay GmbH
Postal Address: Carlstraße 50, D-52531, Übach-Palenberg
Telephone: 0900 1 409640
(For callers from within Germany, this is not a toll-free call, Callers will be
charged at Euro 0.59 per minute)
E-mail Address: de.nsc@newsoft.eu.com
URL: http://de.newsoft.eu.com
Company name: Avanquest UK
Postal Address: The Software Centre East Way, Lee Mill Industrial Estate Plymouth Devon.
PL21 9GE
Telephone: 44-01752-201148
Fax: 44-01752-894833
E-mail Address: uk.nsc@newsoft.eu.com
URL: http://uk.newsoft.eu.com
Company name: 5CA
Postal Address: Not Open
Telephone: 089-965-01-09
(For callers from within France, this is not a toll-free call, Callers will be
charged at m 1.35 + m 0.34 per minute)
E-mail Address: fr.nsc@newsoft.eu.com