2. Scanning
OCR lets you convert image text into text you can edit 2
SE can quickly convert a text document image into text that you can edit with a word
processing application.
SE uses the optical character recognition application OCR, which comes with PaperPort
SE can use your preferred OCR application if it is already on your PC. You can convert the entire
item, or by using the Copy Text command, you can choose only a portion of the text to convert.
Dragging an item onto a word-processing link icon starts PaperPort
’s built-in OCR application, or you can
use your own OCR application.
You can import items from other applications 2
As well as scanning items, you can bring items into PaperPort
SE in a variety of ways and convert them to
SE (MAX) files in several different ways:
Print to the Desktop View from another application, such as Microsoft
Import files saved in other file formats, such as Windows
Bitmap (BMP) or Tagged Image File Format
You can export items into other formats 2
You can export or save PaperPort
SE items in several popular file formats, such as BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PDF
or self-viewing.
For example, to create a file for an Internet Web site, export it as a JPEG file. Web pages often use JPEG
files for displaying images.
Exporting an image file 2
a Click File, then Save As in the PaperPort
SE window.
The Save ‘XXXXX’ as dialog box is displayed.
b Choose the drive and folder where you want to store the file.
c Enter the new file name and choose the file.
d Click Save to save your file, or Cancel to return to PaperPort
SE without saving it.