dictionary Mode is a key within the InputAttributes dictionary, and its value is a name that
determines the mapping of the physical input sources to the input sources listed
in InputAttributes. The allowable values are:
/Default Printer’s default source assignment
/Optra Specifies the following ordering used in InputAttributes:
0 - Tray 1
1 - Tray 2
2 - Envelope Feeder 1 or Multipurpose feeder
3 - Tray 3
4 - Multipurpose feeder
5 - Tray 4
6 - Tray 5
7 - Feeder 2
/HPLJFamily1 Specifies the following ordering used by the Hewlett-
Packard Company’s printers:
0 - Tray 1
1 - Tray 2
2 - Envelope Feeder 1 or Multipurpose feeder
3 - Multipurpose feeder (see Note)
4 - Tray 3
5 - Tray 4
6 - Tray 5
7 - Feeder 2
Note: Values 3 and 4 for the Hewlett Packard Company’s LaserJet printers are
switched relative to the /Optra values 3 and 4.
Priority is an array of integers that describes the order in which the input sources
are searched. The first integer represents the highest priority source and so on. If
no array exists or none of the matching sources is in the array, then the priority
order is arbitrary.
Install procedure Installs device dependent parameters into the graphics state. This procedure can
modify any parameter in the graphics state.
Jog integer Specifies which Offset Pages setting is used. The following values are supported:
0 Offset Pages is disabled.
1 Offset Pages is disabled.
2 Offset Pages is set to Between Jobs.
3 Offset Pages is set to Between Copies.
Offset refers to stacking entire print jobs or copies of the same print job in two
separate groups in an output bin.
Table 4-8: Page Device Parameters (Continued)
Key Type Definition