Table 2-25: Picture Frame
Command / Parameters Function / Result
# of Decipoints: 0 to 32767
(1 Decipoint = 1/720 inch)
Picture Frame Horizontal Size (in Decipoints)
Specifies the horizontal dimension of the picture frame used when
printing a GL/2 plot.
# of Decipoints: 0 to 32767
(1 Decipoint = 1/720 inch)
Picture Frame Vertical Size (in Decipoints)
Specifies the vertical dimension of the picture frame used when
printing a GL/2 plot.
0 Set Anchor Point to Cursor Position
Set Picture Frame Anchor Point
Sets the position of the picture frame anchor point to the cursor
position. The picture frame anchor point defines the location of the
upper left corner of the picture frame.
Size in inches: 0 to 32767
GL/2 Horizontal Plot Size
Specifies the horizontal scaling factor used when importing an
image into the picture frame.
Size in inches: 0 to 32767
GL/2 Vertical Plot Size
Specifies the vertical scaling factor used when importing an image
into the picture frame.
0 Use Previous GL/2 Pen Position
1 Use Current PCL Cursor Position
Enter GL/2 Language
Exits PCL emulation and uses GL/2 commands to print.
0 Use Previous PCL Cursor Position
1 Use Current GL/2 Pen Position
Enter PCL Emulation
Exits GL/2 mode and uses PCL emulation commands to print.
Table 2-26: Miscellaneous Commands
Command / Parameters Function / Result
0 Enable
1 Disable (Default)
End-Of-Line Text Wrap
Enabling End-Of-Line Text Wrap moves portions of lines that extend
into the unprintable area to the next line. Disabling drops the portion
extending into the unprintable area.
Y Display Functions On
Prints all control codes and escape sequences rather than executing
• To prevent characters from falling outside the right margin (and not
printing), enable End-Of-Line Text Wrap (
• To see the control characters and other blank codepoints in symbol
set Roman8 (8U), set the symbol set to PC-8 (10U).