Turbo Chef Technologies i5 Convection Oven User Manual

Overview of the Edit Mode
The EDIT MODE serves three main purposes:
1. To edit set temperatures.
2. To edit names of food groups and recipes.
3. To edit recipe settings.
To access the
1. Enable it from the “Options” screen (page 14).
2. Press the On/Off key to return the oven to the
“Cooling Down” or “Off” screen.
3. Press the On/Off key again to enter
Single vs. Multiple Temperature Mode
The i5 Oven is capable of utilizing four unique set
temperatures. By default, the oven operates in
“Single Temperature” mode, in which all four
temperatures are the same. By contrast, if more than
one temperature is specified in the
, the
oven will operate in “Multiple Temperature” mode.
The i5 Oven is capable of storing 200 recipes. If
more than one temperature is desired, at least 50
recipe spots must be allocated to each unique
temperature setting. Think of each temperature as a
“block” of 5 food groups, or 50 recipes. The table
below outlines differences between the two modes in
more detail.
NOTE: Earlier i5 software versions store only two
temperatures, each containing 100 food recipes.
Single Temperature Mode Multiple Temperature Mode
Edit Mode: - Four temperatures available to edit
(Figure 22, page 20).
- Adjacent soft key to access recipes
associated with temperatures (Figure
22, page 20).
- When in “group select” (Figure 23,
page 20), all 200 recipes will be
available to edit (because all
temperature settings are identical).
- Temperature displayed adjacent to
each “block” of five food groups
(Figure 23, page 20).
- Same as single temperature mode.
- Same as single temperature mode.
- When in “group select” (Figure 23, page
20), only recipes associated with the
selected temperature will be available to
edit. (NOTE: if additional temperature
settings are identical to the one that was
selected, the associated recipes for those
temperature settings will also be available
to edit.)
- Same as single temperature mode.
Cook Mode: - No temperature selection screen. The
oven automatically warms up when
the On/Off key is pressed (Figure
7.3, page 10).
- When the oven is turned on, select a
temperature before warming up (Figure
7.2, page 10).
Number of Recipes
Available to Cook:
- 200 (all) - If 2 unique temperatures: 100/100 or
- If 3 unique temperatures: 100/50/50
- If 4 unique temperatures: 50/50/50/50