Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 3 Message and Recovery Procedures
QM Messages
Error Message QM-4-CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED: Classification is not supported in class map
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.
Explanation An unsupported match class-map configuration command was configured in a policy
map and attached to an egress interface or that more than one match command was configured. This
is a hardware limitation. [chars] is the class-map name.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the class map or the policy map. Use only the match ip dscp
dscp-list class-map configuration command in a policy map that is attached to an egress interface.
Only one match per class map is supported.
Error Message QM-4-HARDWARE_NOT_SUPPORTED: Hardware limitation has been reached for
policy map [chars].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.
Explanation The policy-map configuration has exceeded the limitation of the hardware. You either
configured more QoS ACL entries than the number specified in the Switch Database Management
(sdm) template, or you configured more policers in a policy map (by using the police or police
aggregate policy-map class configuration command) than supported. [chars] is the policy-map
Recommended Action Reconfigure the class map or the policy map, and reduce the number of QoS
Error Message QM-4-MATCH_NOT_SUPPORTED: Match type is not supported in class map
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.
Explanation Only the access-group acl-index-or-name, ip dscp dscp-list, and ip precedence
ip-precedence-list match types are supported with the match class-map configuration command.
[chars] is the name of the class map.
Recommended Action Reconfigure the class map; use only the match access-group, match ip dscp,
and match ip precedence class-map configuration commands within the class map.
Error Message QM-4-NOT_SUPPORTED: Action [chars] is not supported for a policy map
attached to output side.
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.