Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 3 Message and Recovery Procedures
AUTOQOS Messages
Error Message ACLMGR-3-UNLOADING: Unloading [chars] label [dec] feature.
Explanation The ACL manager was unable to fit the complete configuration into the hardware, so
some features will be applied in software. This prevents some or all of the packets in a VLAN from
being forwarded in hardware and requires them to be forwarded by the CPU. Multicast packets
might be dropped entirely instead of being forwarded. [chars] is the direction (input or output), and
[dec] is the label number.
Recommended Action Use a simpler configuration. Use the same ACLs on multiple interfaces, if
AUTOQOS Messages
This section contains the automatic quality of service (auto-QoS) messages.
Error Message AUTOQOS-3-FEATURE_UNINITIALIZED: Feature not initialized in the
platform, [chars].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.
Explanation The feature did not initialize and is not enabled on any interface. [chars] is the feature
name, which is auto-QoS.
Recommended Action If this feature does not operate, reboot the system by using the reload
privileged EXEC command. Verify that this feature is supported on your switch by checking the
software configuration guide for this software release.
This section contains the Flex Link messages.
Error Message BACKUP_INTERFACE-5-PREEMPT: Preempting interface [chars] in backup
pair ([chars], [chars]), preemption mode is [chars]
Explanation The switch is pre-empting the current forwarding interface in the backup interface pair.
The first [chars] is the number of the current forwarding interface. The second and third [chars] are
the names of the interfaces in the backup pair, and the fourth [chars] is the pre-emption mode.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message BACKUP_INTERFACE-5-VLB_NON_TRUNK: Warning: Flexlink VLB is not
allowed on non-trunk ports. Please configure [chars] to be a trunk port.
Explanation Flex Link VLB detects a nontrunk port. [chars] is the interface name.
Recommended Action Configure the interface to operate in trunking mode.