Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 3 Message and Recovery Procedures
This section contains image manager messages, which are related to image compatibility within the
Error Message IMAGEMGR-6-AUTO_ADVISE_SW_INITIATED: Auto-advise-software process
initiated for systems [bits: [hex]].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.
Explanation Systems with incompatible software have been detected in the switch stack.
Auto-advise software informs you when not all switches in the stack are running the same software
version. The stack master then attempts to upgrade all switches running different versions to the
version that the master is running. The stack finds out whether or not software is available to be
copied to the incompatible systems and if so, advises you how to copy it. Otherwise, the system
informs you that the software on the switch stack needs to be updated. [bits [hex]] is the bit
representation of the switch number.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message IMAGEMGR-6-AUTO_ADVISE_SW: [chars].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.
Explanation A line of output from the auto-advise-software process is being displayed. [chars] is a
text message reporting status of the upgrade process.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message IMAGEMGR-6-AUTO_COPY_SW_INITIATED: Auto-copy-software process
initiated for systems [bits: [hex]].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.
Explanation Systems with incompatible software have been detected in the switch stack. The stack
now finds out whether or not software is available to be copied to the incompatible systems and
whether or not it is appropriate to automatically copy the software. [bits [hex]] is the bit
representation of the switch number.
Recommended Action No action is required.
Error Message IMAGEMGR-6-AUTO_COPY_SW: [chars].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.