
Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 2 System Message Overview
How to Read System Messages
SEVERITY is a single-digit code from 0 to 7 that reflects the severity of the condition. The lower
the number, the more serious the situation.
Table 2-2 lists the message severity levels.
MNEMONIC is a code that uniquely identifies the message.
Message-text is a text string describing the condition. This portion of the message sometimes
contains detailed information about the event, including terminal port numbers, network addresses,
or addresses that correspond to locations in the system memory address space. Because the
information in these variable fields changes from message to message, it is represented here by short
strings enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). A decimal number, for example, is represented as [dec].
Table 2-3 lists the variable fields in messages.
SW_MATM Mac address table manager (only
Catalyst 3550 switches)
“SW_MATM Messages” section on page 137
SWITCH_QOS_TB QoS trusted boundary “SWITCH_QOS_TB Messages” section on
page 3-145
TCAMMGR Ternary content addressable memory
“TCAMMGR Messages” section on page 3-145
UDLD UniDirectional Link Detection “UDLD Messages” section on page 3-147
UFAST_MCAST_SW UplinkFast packet transmission “UFAST_MCAST_SW Messages” section on
page 3-149
VQPCLIENT VLAN Query Protocol client “VQPCLIENT Messages” section on page 3-150
WCCP Web Cache Communication Protocol
“WCCP Messages” section on page 151
WRLSCNTR Messages Catalyst 3750 Integrated Wireless LAN
Controller switch
“WRLSCNTR Messages” section on page 3-151
Table 2-1 Facility Codes (continued)
Facility Code Description Location
Table 2-2 Message Severity Levels
Severity Level Description
0 – emergency System is unusable.
1 – alert Immediate action required.
2 – critical Critical condition.
3 – error Error condition.
4 – warning Warning condition.
5 – notification Normal but significant condition.
6 – informational Informational message only.
7 – debugging Message that appears during debugging only.