
Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 3 Message and Recovery Procedures
Error Message FM-4-EXCESSSECONDARY: More than [dec] secondary IP addresses
configured on interface [chars].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.
Explanation When secondary IP addresses are configured on an interface and you enable Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) redirects for packets received on that interface, the ICMP redirect
function on the CPU is not usually notified of packets sent between two different subnets on the
same interface. If too many secondary IP addresses are configured on the interface this message is
logged, and in addition to being notified about packets that cause the generation of an ICMP
redirect, the CPU is also notified about every packet routed between two different subnets that are
both on the interface. No ICMP redirects will be sent in error, but the CPU usage might increase
because of the additional notifications. [dec] is the limit of secondary IP addresses, and [chars] is
the specified interface.
Recommended Action You can use the no ip redirects interface configuration command on the
interface named in the message to reduce the CPU load on the system.
Error Message FM-7-TRANSDEF: No augmentation function found for VMR.
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3550 switches.
Explanation An internal error occurred. An ACL was not correctly interpreted. The value-mask
result (VMR) is incorrect.
Recommended Action Find out more about the error by using the show tech-support privileged
EXEC command and by copying the error message exactly as it appears on the console or system
log and entering it in the Output Interpreter tool. Use the Bug Toolkit to look for similar reported
problems. For more information about these online tools and about contacting Cisco, see the
Message Traceback Reports” section on page 2-7 for more information.
This section contains the front-end controller messages.
Error Message FRNTEND_CTRLR-1-MGR_TXQ_FULL: The front end controller Tx queue
reached watermark level
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.
Explanation There are too many messages in the queue between the front-end controller and the
switch software.
Recommended Action Try reloading the switch. If this does not resolve the issue, this might be a
hardware problem. Contact the Cisco technical support representative.