
Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 3 Message and Recovery Procedures
Error Message DOT1X-4-PROC_START_ERR: Dot1x unable to start.
Explanation The system failed to start the IEEE 802.1x process.
Recommended Action Restart the IEEE 802.1x process by entering the dot1x system-auth-control
global configuration command. If this message recurs, reload the device.
Error Message DOT1X-4-UNKN_ERR: An unknown operational error occurred.
Explanation The IEEE 802.1x process cannot operate because of an internal system error.
Recommended Action Reload the device.
Error Message DOT1X-5-INVALID_INPUT: Dot1x Interface parameter is Invalid on
interface [chars].
Explanation The IEEE 802.1x interface parameter is out of the specified range or is invalid. [chars]
is the interface.
Recommended Action Refer to the CLI help documentation to determine the valid IEEE 802.1x
Error Message DOT1X-5-SECURITY_VIOLATION: Security violation on interface [chars],
New MAC address [enet] is seen.
Explanation A host on the specified interface is trying to access the network or to authenticate in a
host mode that does not support the number of hosts attached to the interface. This is a security
violation, and the port is put in the error-disabled state.
Recommended Action Ensure that the interface is configured to support the number of attached hosts.
Enter the shutdown interface configuration command and then the no shutdown interface
configuration command to restart the port.
This section contains the IEEE 802.1x messages.
Error Message DOT1X_SWITCH-5-ERR_ADDING_ADDRESS: Unable to add address [enet] on
Explanation The client MAC address could not be added to the MAC address table because the
hardware memory is full or the address is a secure address on another port. [enet] is the supplicant
MAC address, and [chars] is the interface. This message might appear if the IEEE 802.1x feature is
Recommended Action If the hardware memory is full, remove some of the dynamic MAC addresses.
If the client address is on another port, manually remove it from that port.