
Catalyst 3750, 3560, 3550, 2975, 2970, and 2960 Switch System Message Guide
Chapter 3 Message and Recovery Procedures
Error Message HLFM-3-MOD_SD: Failed to modify Station Descriptor with index [dec],
vlan [dec], di [dec], error [dec], mad [dec], ref-count [dec].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750, 3560, 2975, 2970, and 2960 switches.
Explanation The forwarding manager attempted to modify a station descriptor that is no longer in
use or is invalid. The first [dec] is the station index, the second [dec] is the VLAN ID, the third [dec]
is the destination index, the fourth [dec] is the error code, the fifth [dec] is the MAC address
descriptor, and the sixth [dec] is the ref-count for this MAC address descriptor.
Recommended Action Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log.
Research and attempt to resolve the error by using the Output Interpreter. Use the Bug Toolkit to
look for similar reported problems. If you still require assistance, open a case with the TAC, or
contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the gathered
information. For more information about these online tools and about contacting Cisco, see the
Message Traceback Reports” section on page 2-7.
Error Message HLFM-3-SEND_FAIL: Failed to send RPC message, req [dec], [chars].
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.
Explanation There is a local resource error or that too many outgoing messages are queued for the
message class. [dec] is the RPC request number, and [chars] is an optional comment.
Recommended Action Copy the message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log.
Research and attempt to resolve the error by using the Output Interpreter. Use the Bug Toolkit to
look for similar reported problems. If you still require assistance, open a case with the TAC, or
contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the gathered
information. For more information about these online tools and about contacting Cisco, see the
Message Traceback Reports” section on page 2-7.
This section contains port-security messages.
Error Message HPSECURE-6-ADDR_REMOVED: Address [enet]:[dec] on port [chars] cannot
be added on switch [dec] and has been removed.
Note This message applies only to Catalyst 3750 and 2975 switches.
Explanation At least one switch in the stack could not add the MAC address due to a resource failure,
and the MAC address has been deleted from all the switches in the stack. [enet] is the MAC address,
the first [dec] is the VLAN to which the MAC address is assigned, [chars] is the interface, and the
second [dec] is the stack member number.
Recommended Action No action is required.